IF YOU WON A PRIZE REQUIRING YOU TO CHOOSE THAT PRIZE, please select your book from THIS PAGE and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.
1st Place
What Samantha won:
$300 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
2nd Place
What Deborah won:
$250 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
3rd Place
Stealing Babies From Grocery Stores by Alan Hanson
What Sarah Jane won:
$200 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
23 – Honorable Mentions (In no particular order):
Another Slice of Pie by Austin Treat
Twelve Hundred Hours by Véronique Potvin
Fabulous Monsters by Nathaniel Shea
Twin Boys by Jill Yates
Cart Pusher by Adriana Terron
The Story Of Life and Death by Alexandra Isbell
The Cost of Isolation by Ramona Scarborough
Finality by Anika Olivo
What If And Maybe When by Bob Richardson
Of the Matter of Leaves and Their Fires Within by Dale Hansen
The Magic of Quilip by Donna Harper
Meet You in Twilight by 1Katharine Craven
Dance by Kristine Hansen
Feel the Fall by Virginia Jones
Desperate Times by Pat Detmer
Sharing the Love by Rananda Rich
Craving Normal by Renee Holland Davidson
Hunger by Rickey Pittman
The Silvering by Stephanie DeVries
Cycles of Life by Steve Summerlin
The Hard Choice by Yonah Edens
The Bully Prince by W.J. Nelson
An Early Winter by Eileen Douglas
Honorable Mentions won a one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report AND a free writing-related book of their choice from BookLocker.com!
15 winners of – The Write Markets Report
His Guilt by Aindrila Roy
Bathos of the Barrow Boy by Christi Nogle
Wicket o’ the Woods by Roxanne Smethers
The Jongleurs who Saved the Day by Caroline Boyuka
Aunt Mindy’s Last Laugh by Steven P. Wyner
Duty by Jone Schlangen
Silence by Jules Fox
Litter Bug by Mary Albarello
A Laughing Matter by Lola R. Gregg
Heartstrings by Lisa St. John
Disturbing Legacy by Julie Soliday
Stasis by Heather Tiede
The Winds of West Boggins by Anita Esbensen
Grave Message by Richard A. Vierling
Rhythm of Life by Marchell Patti
5 winners of – BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
Steel by Daniel L. Link
An Unexpected War Hero by Iris McCallister
Diddy-Wah-Diddy by Rekaya Gibson
Beckett’s Fall by Don Craig
You know how this ends… by allhallowsian
7 winners of – QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
Sweet Potatoes by Megan Clemons
Autumn’s Turn by Pam Neal
The Melodious Mystery by Chelsea Readon
The Wind by Jacky Clifford
Morals and Decency by Blythe Stanfel
Room For Dock by Barb Johnson
The Queen and her Daughter by Nicole Frisco
35 GRAB BAG WINNERS! These folks won a free writing-related book of their choice from BookLocker.com.
The Perfect Storm by Karin J.C. Krafft
My Brother, My Beloved, My Child by Camille Green
Larkin Bridge by Francisco Davila
When Towers Fall by Henrietta Poirier
The Cart by Kara Miles
Many Seasons Away by Sumithra Surendralal
Quarantine by Jacob Waldenmaier
Ancestor’s Answer by Bokerah Brumley
A Witch’s Wish by Laurie Blassingham
Twinkle by D. M. Newlun
You Forgot Jasper by Cindy Bartolotta
Signs by Aaron Deck
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree by Lorraine Able
Auf Wiedersehen, Oktoberfest Or The Toymaker’s Tale by Melanie F. Gibbs
Screaming in the Wind by Ava C Grayson
Elric the Dutiful by Gail A. Laursen
The Ring by Thomas R. Martinez
Be Careful What You Wish For by Madonna Ball
The Last Hit by Jim Driesen
Unathorized Version by Dave MacDonald
Who Waits in Death’s Grove? by Whitman Craig
The Wooden Cart by Barbara Renner
Swallowed by the Earth by Tricia Peak
Time Forgotten by Chaleen Duggan
Lindy’s Story by Carole Diane Heslin
The River Courier by Mary Girsch-Bock
The Tale of the Winter Witch by Robert J. Whitaker
Leaves by Margaret Fletcher
Nature’s Cries by Jesse Gilmore
In the Distance by Nicky Stevens
Chasing the Sun by Charles Fletcher
The Riddle by Martina Kranz
The Bridge Troll by Amanda Fry
You Get What You Pay For by Connie Breedlove
Everything was Well by Michael T. Smith