IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.
1st Place
Earthing by Julie Gustafson Sampson
What Julie won:
- $300 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
Publishing Package Prize – The Fine Print: BookLocker.com has published more than 10,000 titles in the past 20 years. This publishing package includes interior design, original cover design, ISBN, barcode, distribution/fulfillment, etc. CLICK HERE to see the At Your Service package details. The first place winner’s manuscript must be ready for review and formatting within three months of notification by BookLocker that he or she has won. The manuscript must first be approved for publication by BookLocker. (BookLocker.com will not publish books with bad writing or poor editing, nor ones that violate laws, contain libel or invasion of privacy, or that teach people how to perform illegal acts.) If BookLocker can’t publish the winner’s book for any of these reasons, their prize will instead be a free print book of their choice from BookLocker.com, in addition to the prizes above, of course.
2nd Place
What J.L. won:
- $250 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
3rd Place
A Matter of Time by Michael Ray King
What Michael won:
- $200 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
33 – Honorable Mentions (In no particular order)
Honorable Mention winners receive:
- A one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
Honorable Mention Winners can request the ebook of their choice using THIS FORM
Child’s Game by Mary E. Inman
Free Spirits by Jim Driesen
The Four Green Giants by Devin Ayala
A Day in the Woods by El McMeen
Trouble in the Town by Marria Carter
How a Red Cat Saved Twitter by Meg Waters
The Gathering by Sabrina Fladness
Truth or Scare by Elysia Gloudeman
The Way to Freedom by Carolina Mintz
Safety at All Costs by Emily Roth
Her Name by Renee Holland Davidson
The Curse of the Sky Fairy by Talia Camozzi
Rag Doll by John Adams
Keeper by Michael Murillo
The Circle by MM Schreier
Beyond the Pale by Alexandra Christle
Bon Appetit by Cheryl Jones
Outcast by Chrissie Rohrman
You Can’t Handle the Truth by Gary S. Crawford
Dying of Fright by Gayle Rodcay
Sharing Truths by J. Lynne Moore
Abandoned by Barbara Pattee
Deep in the Bayou by Michelle Hanley
The Girl in the Glass by Amy Cook
Midnight Special by Nina Martinez
The Ballad of One Love by Chris Joseph Stancato
Girls’ Night by Rebecca Anderson
A Pale Tale of Terror… by Rick Adair
Harriet on the Move by Black Mermaid
The Manduco by Todd Parisi
Three Blind Mice by Vera Hogan
Saved By Her Skin by Laurie Nesmith
Secrets Only the Devil Knows by Nathan James
25 winners of – The Write Markets Report (one-year subscription)
Winners of The Write Markets Report will receive their first issue this week.
Second to Yates by Rebecca Rust
In the Cat’s Eyes by Abbegale Knapp
Water Lillie by Autumn Knapp
It All Falls Down by Esther Rohm
Allegory of a Doe by Gabriell Struble
School Trip by Jamie Lynn Menteguiaga
Fire-Scarred by Nora Fry
The Thin Red Jacket by Karlynn Sievers
Love is 20 Feet Deep by Latisa Kennebrew
Wishing Springs by Marlene Woods
Girl Talk by Shannon Kalahan
Shoelaces and Spook Juice by Ronda Del Boccio
Maybe We by Charlie Rogers
Tabitha’s Wedding by Matthew Chapuran
Called to Serve by Brittany Weir
Truth or Scare or Both by Mary Ann De Neve Slavcheff
Verdad o Atreverse by Tanya Brown
Secret Places by Lauren Voeltz
Mommy’s Little Dove by Lia Cook
Leila by Shelby Taranto
How I Lost My Helicopter Dad by Caroline Court
Gold Fever by Brad Tangen
Dare to be Happy by Lisa Doerr
Plastic Teeth by Eufrey Domingo
The Freaks by Laura Moehrle
35 – GRAB BAG! A free writing-related ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com. Grab Bag Winners can request the ebook of their choice using THIS FORM.
Unconquered by Bill Kasper
A Fair Dare by Matthew Camp
Good Humor by Vic Larson
The Geek and the Ghost Girl by RenÈe Boyer
Once in the Blue Moon by David Tarpenning
Folly by Gail Laursen
Fun with Freddie by Lynn Stout
A Game of Cat and…Something by Matt McHugh
Boys Will Be Girls by Phyllis M. Butcher
Target Practice by Allen Perrin
Not Quite Human by Chaleen Duggan
The Project by Cindy Bartolotta
Sticks and Stones by Nona Ward
From Woods to Winter by Rebecca Wilson
Who is She? by Patty Callahan
The Alien by Neall Ryon
Weird, Wealth, or Whacked? by Cheri Avery Black
Unlikely Friends by Ingrid Williams
Once in a Blue Moon by Rebecca Campobasso
The Amelanoid by Claire Hool
Sultana by Alexandra Otto
The Ghost Girl of the Wood by Whitman Craig
A Spritely Task by Tina Field Howe
Memories by Matt Etling
The Games We Play by Kara Miles
Outside the City Walls by R.A. Krueger
Centennial by Pamela Saraga
A Highland Dream by Janet Patey
Carly by Sylvia Nickels
Double Dog Dare You by Teddi DiCanio
You Never Asked by Marianne Royston
I Dreamt of Yellow Leaves by M.A. Mackey
Magic Is for Everyone by Jenny Davis
Savages by Natalie Walker
The Experimenters by Joe Pfeffer
IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.