IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.
1st Place
Ribbons of Grief by Chaleen Duggan
What Chaleen won:
- $300 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
Publishing Package Prize – The Fine Print: BookLocker.com has published more than 9,000 titles in the past 19 years. This publishing package includes interior design, original cover design, ISBN, barcode, distribution/fulfillment, etc. CLICK HERE to see the At Your Service package details. The first place winner’s manuscript must be ready for review and formatting within three months of notification by BookLocker that he or she has won. The manuscript must first be approved for publication by BookLocker. (BookLocker.com will not publish books with bad writing or poor editing, nor ones that violate laws, contain libel or invasion of privacy, or that teach people how to perform illegal acts.) If BookLocker can’t publish the winner’s book for any of these reasons, their prize will instead be a free print book of their choice from BookLocker.com, in addition to the prizes above, of course.
2nd Place
Schrodinger’s Dog by J. David Thayer
What J. won:
- $250 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
3rd Place
Beauty Saves the Day by Peter Gurko
What Peter won:
- $200 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
24 – Honorable Mentions (In no particular order) win a one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report + a free writing-related ebook of their choice from BookLocker.com! CONTACT ANGELA with your price choice!
Remembrance Remains by M.A. Mackey
Fear of the Known by VC Larson
The Air on Titan by Brad Tangen
Please Remain Seated by Susan Fabio
Losing Bo by Fred M Rhodes
The Eye of the Storm by Sephira Allen
Grandfather’s Timing by Michael S. Hobbs
The Gentle Giant by Pattie Anderson
Fatal Flaw by Adam Riley
Lockdown by Adrienne Hertler
Hellebore by David McKinsey
The Station by Cassie Lund
Sinking by Chantel Daniels
A Cold Beer by Sal Martin
A Crack of Thunder by Richard Lund
Chances with Wolves by Phyllis M. Butcher
Violet Revolution by Luke J. Philips
Buried Treasure – The Note by Jinan As-Siddiq
Intruder by J.L. Gorman
The Circle by John Doelman
Bitter Winds by Jenny Wilson
Beagle is Friend, Not Food by Kaitlyn Boyd
In the Face of the Storm by Mark Visconi
The Tyrian Protocol by Lia H. Cook
25 winners of – The Write Markets Report (one-year subscription)
Winners of The Write Markets Report will receive their first issue this week.
Don’t Panic! by Tammy Mackey
A Forest of Thorns by David Tarpenning
The Reckoning by Kay Norfleet
A Young Boy’s Courage and A Mother’s Love by Sara Harder
The Lighthouse Between The Worlds by LFS Alden
Last Chance by Dee Bowling
Gajah’s Bully by Cana Shafer
The Dragger by Devan Munsey
Beggars Would Ride by Never Bleu
A Chain Of Events by Ronald Hoffman
Old Blue by Richena Holbert
The Trickiest Moment by Noah Zollman
The Wreck of the Dreamer by Ginger Marcinkowski
Leave it Backstage by Jennifer Towery
The Scourge of the Earth by Chelsea M. Brown
Sea Otters and Storms by Shanna Lowe
Trash and Treasure by Karen Greco
Storm’s a’Coming by Tanya Larsen
Cooking Up a Storm by Susie Foote
The Man with the Crocus Hands by Roxanne Smethers
Natural Instinct by Vera Hogan
The Blusters of Boreas by Mark G. Dziak
You’re Going to Die in There by Traci Tavares Molnar
Finding AJ in the Storm by Marie Daniely
The Song in My Head by Bonnie M. Baker
35 GRAB BAG WINNERS! These folks won a free writing-related ebook of their choice from BookLocker.com. CONTACT ANGELA with your price choice!
The Pocket Watch by Madonna Ball
Home Is Where the Heart Is by Emerson Rose
One Last Chance by Patricia Williams
What Rudi Knew by Susanna Fussenegger
Beautiful Mess by Mary Finnegan
Constant Companion by Elizabeth Ireland
When All Hope is Lost by Jennifer A. Holcomb
Digging Up the Dead by Colette Kriel
Assuming Makes An Ass Out Of Me by Christina Parisi
Beau and the Storm… by Rickey Pittman
The Woodpile by David Wolfson
Why Not? by Serenity Carson
A Dog Named Flash by Tom McCauley
Before the Rain Came by Veralisa Markwood
A Message Delayed by Gwen Flanders
Azaleas and Buttercup by Tina D.C. Hayes
Chandni’s Gift by Jon DeKelaita
The Weekend Cabin by Christine E. Miller
The Good Dog by Beth Puckett
Drinks are on The House by Ike Agustin
Snow Day in April by Lou Ann Noble Hayford
Close the Gate! by Tank Steiner
Spring Cleaning by Dana Schellings
Out of the Dark by Mary Albarello
Intruder by J.L. Gorman
Winds of Change by Betsy Oberholtzer
Purifying Snow by Taylor Karl
Diamond in the Rough by Kari Short
Collecting Wind by Janna Miller
Safe Underground by Elizabeth Westra
The Calm in the Storm by Cathy Rattu
Everyone Has a Superpower by Michael Morley
Flokki by Donna Harper
Hidden in Print by Nancy Wolf
Just a Mutt by Arlene Holland
IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.