The sweat vanished from her skin as she sank down into the cool, blue swimming hole. The radio spread a festive mood to the commune members, who were picnicking, sunbathing, and laughing while dropping from the rope swing into the water a few feet away. Everybody got silent, however, when the music was replaced by an automated emergency broadcast network message. Thinking it was just a test, the festivities resumed until the annoying tone switched to a panicked broadcaster’s voice…
(Stories need only touch on this topic in some way to qualify.)
The sweat vanished from her skin as she sank down into the cool, blue swimming hole. The radio spread a festive mood to the commune members, who were picnicking, sunbathing, and laughing while dropping from the rope swing into the water a few feet away. Everybody got silent, however, when the music was replaced by an automated emergency broadcast network message. Thinking it was just a test, the festivities resumed until the annoying tone switched to a panicked broadcaster’s voice…
“This is not a test. Take cover immediately!” At the urgency of the broadcaster’s voice, everyone sprang into action. Picnic baskets were roughly packed and their bearers began running off with them. Sunbathers and swimmers followed suit, grabbing what belongings they could. They all sprinted towards the entrance of the compound, a small earthen dwelling, mostly underground. As they ran, things were dropped, but no one bothered to pick them up. There was no time.
It was Nook’s turn on the emergency shift and he was at the door hurrying people inside. He mentally took note of the members who entered the dwelling. Carver was last to arrive. He went in, then looked back, “Hurry up, Nook! Close the door!”
Nook shook his head, “No, someone is missing…erm…” he tried to think who was missing, the numbers hadn’t added up right.
“Oh no!” cried a female voice inside. Breezy suddenly appeared, “Sandy isn’t here!”
Nook straightened, “Where did you last see her?”
“She was in the swimming hole–”
That’s all Nook needed to hear. He took off running for the pool.
Sandy could hold her breath for a very long time. Her head broke the surface and she gasped, taking in long, deep breaths. “It must have been about six minutes,” she thought, pleased with herself. Then she noticed the silence. “Where is everybody?” she wondered, looking around and noticing that all the folks were gone. Then she heard it, the low whirring noise. The blood drained from her face. She swam to the edge of the pool and pulled herself up.
“Sandy!” she heard her name called. It was Nook. She began running towards him as fast as she could. She was winded from holding her breath and she was unable to run as fast as she would have liked. The whirring noise grew louder. She didn’t have much time. Nook was also risking his life. If they didn’t make it to safety in time they would both be lost.
She reached Nook and took his outstretched hand. Together they began running towards the compound. The noise was louder now. There was no use speaking as the noise would drown out their voices. Sandy looked back briefly. The machine was huge and she could see the blades slicing underneath it. She screamed, though her scream was soundless against the machine.
Suddenly, it was dark. The contraption was overhead, but they were safe. When it had passed and the noise lessened, Sandy opened her eyes and looked around, “Where –?” Nook clamped a hand over her mouth. He got up and poked his head from the hole and surveyed the area. The machine was further away. It would come back but they had enough time to make it to the compound, he hoped.
He turned to pull Sandy up. “Ahh!” she screamed. He looked down into the hole. Two luminous eyes could be seen not too far away in the dark tunnel. “Quickly!” Nook commanded, and pulled her up. They began to run, but the creature didn’t follow.
“What was that?” Sandy asked.
“Probably a snake,” Nook replied through gritted teeth, “We took refuge in his home without permission. We’re lucky he didn’t attack us.”
They reached the commune. Nook rapped at the door. Carver opened it and they both quickly went inside, finally safe and sound.
For the next hour, the members all huddled together in the common room. The whirring noise continued outside. Sometimes directly above them, and other times further away. The earth vibrated. Though fear enveloped them, the people sang and tried to keep each other’s spirits up. Finally, the vibrations stopped and the whirring noise was gone. After a few more minutes, Nook got up and went to the door. He looked out and gazed upon the shorn lawn around him.
“The lawnmower is gone!” he announced. The gnomes all cheered.