IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.
1st Place
Café au Fromage by Shannon Lowe
What Shannon won:
$300 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
2nd Place
What Susan won:
$250 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
3rd Place
What Elaine won:
$200 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the 24HourShortStoryContest.com
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
23 – Honorable Mentions (In no particular order) win a one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report + a free writing-related ebook of their choice from BookLocker.com! CONTACT ANGELA with your price choice!
Pilgrimage by Alex Tretiak
Thirst by Aspen Heidekrueger
The Procession by Brian Preslopsky
Creature of Legend and Habit by Bronwyn Lane
Wyoming Come July by Carolyn Mintz
Chum by Catt Moran
Harmful Words by Maryls Addison
Summer’s End by Don Craig
King of Kings by Donna Harper
One Small Voice by Elizabeth Grace
Reclamation at Sundown by Gale Martin
The Slant of Their Eyes by Ginger Marcinkowski
Mirage in the Desert by Heather Guimond
Piecemeal Contingency by Heather Lynne Vanskiver
The Summer of 1974 by Iris McCallister
The Family Business by Jack Curtin
Monsters in the Sun by Jacob Moon
Window Shopping by Julie Durr
00:00 by Kathy R. Jeffords
Man in the Desert by Francisco Davila
Island Fever by Meghann French
Barney’s World of Wonders by Ed Possing
Sister Secrets by Renee Holland Davidson
15 winners of – The Write Markets Report
Rot by Liza McVinney
Through the Eye of the Turtle by Pam Warren
The Little Red Store by Bonnie Brewer Cavanaugh
The Willing Harvest by Nathan Brewster
Peeking Penny by Amy Holloway
Dreamsicle by Charles Loebbaka
The Sun Also Causes Confusion by Megan Elaine Davis
This Is Eternity by Rebecca Kulas
Tourists on a Bus by Christine Burks
St. Louis and St. Clarke by Colin W. Kamberis
The Scottish Flight by Nigel Douglas
No U-Turns on Bridge It by Jennifer Martin
Louella Seeks Revenge by Emerson Rose Craig
Odds Are Lemonade by Joslyn Davis
Billy’s Day Off by Charles Milam
5 winners of – BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K-$100K Publishing Contracts
Geocaching by Kay Norfleet
Too Many Lemonade Stands by Sandra Knittel
The Red Menace by Lucinda Gunnin
Mixed Blessings by JL Courtney
A Matter of Opinion by Wendy Lee Klenetsky
7 winners of – QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
Earthly Harvest by Dale Davis
Curiosity and the Old Shop by Alan Owens
Sour Grapes by Michael R. Letsch
The Great Protector by Tiffany Smith
Tom’s Creature Feature by Roxanne Smethers
Settlings Accounts at M&M’s by Viola Adkins
Patriotic Duty by Colleen J. Karnas
35 GRAB BAG WINNERS! These folks won a free writing-related ebook of their choice from BookLocker.com. CONTACT ANGELA with your price choice!
Reset-56 by Kimberly Perette
Summer Sacrifice by Alex McKenzie-Roberts
Just Desserts by Austin Holifield
Thud by Cory Coppersmith
In Case You Were Wondering by Dana Schellings
The Shop Across The Road by Ian Flatman
The Red, Victorian Door by Elizabeth Hansen
Putt-Putt and Away by Jade Edwards
Check Me Out! by Luke J. Philips
The Pride of Silence by Krystal Ford
Around the Corner by Donald J. Claxton
The Agency by Cindy Bartolotta
The Gambit by Mary Albarello
Dad Died by Matt Etling
Mercy in the Time of Extinction by Melissa Fong
Esperanza’s Gifts by Michelle Kulas
Childhood Memories by Nelda Holliman
The Reopening by Susie Foote
Chardonnay’s Dream by Tammy Mackey
Oh, You’re Rich, I’m So Sorry by Sharon Gerger
The Elite Retreat by Cheri Karynn Jones
Seeking Truth with Consequences by Debby Simon
One Way Store by Anna Senek
Lemon Aid by Herb Hagell
Rising Heat by Will Stanfield
Half Time by Melissa Clayton
Little Shop of Treasures by EB Stark
The Unnamed Island by Christine Maria Kenngott
The Tourist Trap by Elizabeth Westra
Shore Leave by Gene J. Parola
Behind the Curtain by Heidi Thornock
Birthday Wishes by Lou Ann Noble Hayford
IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.