1st Place
The Dissolution by Steve Carroll
What Steve won:
$300 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to THE WRITE MARKETS REPORT
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED! Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K – $100K Publishing Contracts
2nd Place
Aspen by Maryan Newbury
What Maryan won:
$250 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to THE WRITE MARKETS REPORT
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED! Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K – $100K Publishing Contracts
3rd Place
Visitors by Karen Gurley
What Karen won:
$200 Cash Prize
Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
1 – Freelance Income Kit Includes:
— 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
— QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
— BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED! Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K – $100K Publishing Contracts
23 – Honorable Mentions (In no particular order):
A Life in Pictures by Brady Cadogan
Vanished by Carrie Ott
Lodged by Chris Early
Toys for the Tot by Mark Christopher Lane
Hope Valley by Susie Foote
Hands by Brendan Bruce
That Man by Bill Eberle
A Small World, After All by Claire Lewis
Another Miracle Worked by David Cashwell
Winter’s Premonition by Deborah Dionne
Snow Flame by Eileen Maki
A Horror Movie by Elysia Walton
Double Act by Faith Victoria Beuligmann
Death Can Only Take by Gerrard Lipscombe
A Girl from the Shanty by Heidi A. Wilde
Ice Cold by Jessica Pruitt
A Long Icy Night by John C. Greene, D.C.
The Blizzard at Lost Trails Lodge by Rachel Berardinelli
Global Warming of the Heart by Robin Park
The Anniversary Gift by Sharon Gerger
Don’t Forget Murdoch by Stephanie DeVries
Swimmer by Steve Raap
Red Satisfaction by Zach Tyo
Honorable mention winners receive a one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report and a single e-book of their choice from this prize page.
If you are an honorable mention winner, please email angela (at) writersweekly.com to let us know which ebook you would like to receive.
15 – One year subscription to The Write Markets Report
Lucky Boards by Barbara Davis
The Tip by Mark Kurasz
The Good Luck Charm by Jennie McNulty
Timidity Versus Hunger by Deb Read
Snow Sculpture by Annie Daylon
A Winter Eve by Christine Burks
Louise by Tina Hamilton
The Gold Band by Tammy Tatro
Skiing Europe by Sandy Batesel
Anticipation by Deborah Burchell
Abstraction by Gail A. Laursen
Slippery Slope by Jennifer Stuart
Reboot by Debbie Di Verde
New Kid in Town by Cindy Bartolotta
Mr. Boots by Corey LaBranche
5 – Book Proposals That Worked: Real Book Proposals That Landed $10-$100K Publishing Contracts
Anniversary Observances by Charlie Holmes
Stumbling Without a Fall by Robin Kurzer
John’s Club by Marie Margis
Love Spell by Andrea Zollman
White Madness by Lisa Loucks Christenson
7 – Query Letters That Worked
The Discovery by Pam Manley
Charybdis Dressed in Blue by Julie Holderman
Ice Queen by Jennifer Butler
The Purple Plague by Heidi Thornock
Locked Room by Jessica Dooley
To Paint a Queen by Carolyn Mintz
The Lottery Winner by Aaron Borgerding
35 – GRAB BAG!
All The Way by Jordan E. Traut
The Devil in the Lodge by Casey Barrett
Hot Blizzards by Lori Teragawachi
Whipped Cream by Rosemary Bensko
The Morning Glory Book of Fortunes by Caryl Giles
One Bad Muffin! by Hannah Vaughan
Unlocked by Ruth Anne Burrell
Avalanche Within by Eric E. Wallace
A Cup of Comfort by Joan Leotta
Remi’s Birthday Surprise by Monique Bird
The Old Soul by Patrice Marrero
Worst Vacation Ever, but They’re Still Together by Kathryn Handley
Out From the Cold by Nathan Brewster
Rendezvous by Ayah Soliman
I Swear by Eileen McIntyre
Seduction by Pamela Saraga
Ice Heir by Esther Drum
The Last Hot Toddy by Fara Goodman
The Murder Vote by Kathie Muir
Two Deaths in the Alps by Jesse W. Card
When the Fire Dies by Sara Furlong
It’s About Time by Douglas M Hoy
The Hunters by Sam Conley
The Watch by Hilary Kuntz
Colorado Steam by David T. Sparks
The Ski Trip by Lisa Slotnick
Genetic Disaster by Matthew Anderson
Fresh Powder by Monique Nagel
Mishlek Decides by Brandy Brow
Anniversary Observances by Charlie Holmes
White Knight by Ian Ross
Control by Renee Holland Davidson
Obscured Attention by Mary Inman
Time to Change? by Kate Manthey
Into The White by Julie Pullman