IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.
1st Place
What Antaeus won:
- $300 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on the WritersWeekly.com website
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
Publishing Package Prize – The Fine Print: BookLocker.com has published more than 13,000 print and electronic titles in the past 20+ years. This publishing package includes interior design, original cover design, ISBN, barcode, distribution/fulfillment, etc. CLICK HERE to see the At Your Service package details. The first place winner’s manuscript must be ready for review and formatting within three months of notification by BookLocker that he or she has won. The manuscript must first be approved for publication by BookLocker. (BookLocker.com will not publish books with bad writing or poor editing, nor ones that violate laws, contain libel or invasion of privacy, or that teach people how to perform illegal acts.) If BookLocker can’t publish the winner’s book for any of these reasons, their prize will instead be a free print book of their choice from BookLocker.com, in addition to the prizes above, of course.
2nd Place
Two Men Enter… by Jonathan David Santos
What Jonathan won:
- $250 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
3rd Place
What Eric won:
- $200 Cash Prize
- Publication of winning story on WritersWeekly.com’s contest website
- 1-year subscription to the Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related print or ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
100 – Honorable Mentions! (In no particular order)
Honorable Mention winners receive:
- A one-year subscription to The Write Markets Report
- A free writing-related ebook of the winner’s choice from BookLocker.com
Honorable Mention Winners can request the ebook of their choice using THIS FORM.
The Garden of Adam by Alexander Dickie
Double Booked by Aspen Hite
The Messenger by K. A. Kern
One Spring Day by Kay Norfleet
Messengers for the Not Quite Dead by Brigette Cohen
Lost Lewie by Tim Gilbert
A Scroll in the Park by Cheryl King
The Lioness by Christopher Coppola
A Message for the Future by Todd Parisi
Planned Obsolescence by Annie McLean
Vegetarian Friends Forever by Susan Fabio
Short Day at the Orchard by Steve Warren
Playing Games with a Fox by Steve Lorenz
Fiery Brothers by David Roberts
The Reluctant Samurai by Deidra Whitt Lovegren
The Greatest Adventure of All by Eric Perry
A Smile Like a Closed Door by Eufrey Domingo
Alone by Gabriell Struble-Gereau
Followed by Sandy Belford
Neighborhood Watch by S.D. Hardin
Japanese Love Notes by Rickey Pittman
The Third by Richard Auerbach
Home Sweet Home? by Patty Callahan
Hope Delivered Via Rickshaw by J. David Thayer
The Perfect Out by Michelle C. Jacobs
Birdsong by H.T. Ashmead
Jackpot by Helen Putre
When Adventure Calls by Jamie Simpher
Jasmine, Cherry Blossoms, and the Flying Blanket by Jean Kinsey
Undercover (Act of War) by Jesse Severson
Love Birds by Jessica Martel
A Flock of Birds by Jim Driesen
The King by Jami Reeves Sealey
A Cherry Blossom Defined by Mary E. Inman
Shrugs and Hugs by Mark Paulus
Dear Friend by Mark Coughlin
What Grandma Said by Marianna Busching
Cycles of Cherry Blossoms by Lily Finch
If I Were A Bird… by Lauryne Wright
The Messenger by Linda Walker
A Fallen Blossom by K.P. Gordon
A Gift for Momma by Kristie Bellucci
The Last Bloke by Josh Morrey
Creased Khakis by Karl W Vess
Lucinda-Lucretia-Louise Returns Eduardo to His Birthplace, Brooklyn, New York, March 23, 1908 by Julie Mark Cohen
The Messenger by Nancy Townshend-Vess
A Bird’s Eye View by Rick Elia
The Earthlander and Eve by Rebecca Sanchez
Pigeoneers to the Rescue by Rebecca Campobasso
A Lovely Picnic by Michael Kugel
Change in Flight by Andria Goldin
The Season Ends by Angela S. Walters
Old Money Never Dies by Anne Wilkins
A Diamond Under the Cherry Trees by Annette H. Sharp
Reverse Flyaway by Max Gordon
A Bird Not In Hand by Sharmila Shankarkumar
The Treasure Hunt by Christina Roselle
Sharing is Caring by Shanna Meaders
The Spring of What Was and Wasn’t by M. Petrese Houston
Ruffled Feathers by Tyler Omoth
Never Trust a Rental by B Griffin Meiling
Messenger Pigeon by Bob Miller
Riding the Petals by Brandy Brow
Eva’s Diary by Thomas Brodkin
Intention is Everything by Cathy Formusa
The Cherry Blossom Quest by Charles Elmore
In the Eye of the Beholder by Cheri Avery Black
Heavenly Message by Weber Koesema
Casey and the Carrier Pigeon by Tim Barrett
Flower Scroll Wishes by Tavia Moore
The Passage by Cindy Bartolotta
War by Toni M King
Witness Protection by Summer Spencer
Snow and Smoke by Dana Starr
Bird Brains and Pigeon Droppings by Robert R. Gass
Just Super by Freya King
Just Run! by Gerry Stickles
Thomas by Stephen Walters
Not What I Hoped For by Ramona Scarborough
Can I Get a Witness by Nona Ward
Death to the Dead End by Mimi Whittaker
Whipple by Helen M. Martin
Pink Pedal Pushers by Janet Hambly
The Secret Keepers by Jessica Lasseter
Message in a Bird by Joanne Hirase-Stacey
Even in Kyoto by John Lally
Spring’s Teardrops by Martina Kranz
An Unexpected Messenge by Marlene Bringardner
Spread Your Wings and Dine by Lisa Moe
A Wing and a Prayer by Laurie Poindexter
The Pigeons Secret by Ken Phelan
Of Plants and Pigeons by Marilyn S. Mauer
Some Pigeons are Smarter than Others by Keith Kaplan
Stamina by Beth Conklin
IF YOU WON AN HONORABLE MENTION PRIZE, WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO CHOOSE A BOOK, please select a **writing-related ebook** from BookLocker.com and then send your choice to us using THIS FORM.